
Recipe Innovation 1: Apple Cinnamon Rabri

I enjoy cooking, I find it cathartic, also because I have the privilege to cook only when I feel like it and its not forced on me.

This also means that many-a-times what I make is quite exotic because it is a product of luxury or unabashed hedonism.

My favorites are desserts, I love to make people happy with those.

Yesterday I was unwell and to have a morale boost I made

“Apple Cinnamon Rabri”


  • 1 Apple
  • Tiny piece of Cinnamon stick
  • 3-4 table spoons of Sugar as per taste
  • 1 litre Full Cream Milk/Toned Milk/Skimmed Milk as per choice


  • Peel off the apple skin, cut the pulp into smaller pieces.
  • Add the pulp pieces and cinnamon stick to a blender along with milk. Blend for just a few minutes such that a few pieces of the pulp are retained.
  • Add this mixture to a vessel for heating on stove.
  • Keep stirring this mix while it is being heated- it might take around 30-40 minutes
  • Once the mix starts getting thick, add some bread crumbs. (You’ll be enjoying a beautiful aroma all this while)
  • Serve hot or cold, both taste awesome.
  • Serves 6 greedy people, if serving tiny portions then 7-8


You can thank me for the recipe in comments ๐Ÿ˜‰